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2015.03 - 2018.10,哈尔滨工业大学,经济与管理学院,管理学博士(管理科学与工程 专业)
2017.11 - 2018.02,新加坡国立大学,商学院,短期访学(机器学习预测方向)
2011.09 - 2014.05,中国航天科技集团公司第710研究所,工学硕士(系统工程 专业)
2007.09 - 2011.06,大连理工大学,软件学院,工学学士(网络工程 专业)
刘佳明,管理学博士,现任北京工商大学国际经管学院副教授,系主任,硕士生导师。曾在新加坡国立大学访学。主要研究方向为预测理论与方法、数据挖掘与数据分析、可解释性机器学习。在《Journal of Forecasting》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Management Decision》、《运筹与管理》等国内外期刊发表多篇论文。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、北京市自然科学基金面上项目、北京市社会科学基金青年项目等。授权国家发明专利四件。登记软件著作权三项。主讲《数据挖掘与商务智能》(本科生)、《数据可视化》(本科生)、《定量分析:模型与方法》(研究生)、《金融数据挖掘与可视化》(研究生)等课程。
2021.01 - 至 今,北京工商大学,国际经管学院,副教授
2018.11 - 2020.12,北京化工大学,经济与管理学院,讲师/师资博士后
2014.05 - 2015.02,中国航天系统科学与工程研究院,助理工程师


· 国家自然科学基金青年项目,考虑企业关联和时序信息的财务危机预测串并联集成建模研究. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2020-2022,负责人

· 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,基于改进深度神经网络的企业财务困境预测可解释性模型研究,2023-2025,负责人

· 北京市社会科学基金青年项目,社会网络视角下京津冀物流基地空间布局分析及功能联动机制研究,2019-2021,负责人

· 中国博士后科学基金第66批面上资助项目,基于多分类器自适应集成的财务危机动态预测模型研究,2019-2020,负责人

· 北京市教育科学“十四五”规划课题,基于教学反馈评论数据的高校在线平台课程教学效果评价研究,2022-2024,负责人

· 北京市教育委员会科研计划一般项目,基于深度神经网络的信用风险评估方法及评估结果可解释性研究,2022-2024,负责人

· 国家自然科学基金重点项目,共享交通方式的运营管理理论与方法,2020-2024,参与人



· Jiaming Liu*,Chengzhang Li, Peng Ouyang, Jiajia Liu, Chong Wu. Interpreting the prediction results of the tree-based gradient boosting models for financial distress prediction with an explainable machine learning approach [J]. Journal of Forecasting, 2022, early view: 1-26. (SSCI检索)

· Jiaming Liu*, Sicheng Zhang, Haoyue Fan. A two-stage hybrid credit risk prediction model using XGBoost and graph-based deep neural network [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 195: 116624. (SCI 检索)

· Xiang Li, Haoyue Fan, Jiaming Liu*, Qifeng Xun. Staff Scheduling in Blood Collection Problems [J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2022, 316: 365-400. (SCI检索)

· Jiaming Liu, Liuan Wang*, Linan Zhang, Zeming Zhang, Sicheng Zhang. Predictive analytics for blood glucose concentration: An empirical study using tree-based ensemble approach [J]. Library Hi Tech, 2020, 38(4): 835-858. (SSCI检索)

· Jiaming Liu, Lina Ding, Xiaoyu Guan*, Jiao Gui, Jianbin Xu. Comparative analysis of forecasting for air cargo volume: Statistical techniques vs. machine learning [J]. Journal of Data, Information and Management, 2020, 2(4): 243-255.

· Jiaming Liu, Chong Wu*. Hybridizing kernel-based fuzzy c-means with hierarchical selective ensemble model for business failure prediction [J]. Journal of Forecasting, 2019, 38(2): 92-105. (SSCI检索)

· Jiaming Liu, Chong Wu*, Yongli Li*. Improving financial distress prediction using financial network-based information and GA-based gradient boosting method [J]. Computational Economics, 2019, 53(2): 851-872. (SCI/SSCI检索)

· 吴冲, 刘佳明*, 郭志达. 基于改进粒子群算法的模糊聚类-概率神经网络模型的企业财务危机预警模型研究 [J]. 运筹与管理, 2018, 27(2): 106-114+132. (国家自然科学基金委管理学A类刊物)

· Jiaming Liu, Chong Wu*, Tianyi Su. The reference effect in newsvendor model with strategic customers [J]. Management Decision, 2017, 55(5): 1006-1021. (SSCI检索)

· Jiaming Liu, Chong Wu*. A gradient boosting decision tree approach for firm failure prediction: An empirical model evaluation study of Chinese listed companies [J]. The Journal of Risk Model Validation, 2017, 11(2): 43-64. (SSCI检索)

· Jiaming Liu, Chong Wu*. Dynamic forecasting of financial distress: the hybrid use of incremental bagging and genetic algorithm—empirical study of Chinese listed corporations [J]. Risk Management, 2017, 19(1): 32-52. (SSCI检索)

· Haitao Xiong, Yuchen Zhou, Jiaming Liu, Yuanyuan Cai*. Class-dependent and Cross-modal Memory Network Considering Sentimental Features for Video-based Captioning [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14:1124369. (SSCI检索)

· Xiang Li*, Jiao Gui, Jiaming Liu. Data-driven traffic congestion patterns analysis: A case of Beijing [J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2022. (SCI检索)

· Hongguan Ma*, Jiaming Liu, Xiande Zhao, Bowen Zhang. A study of highway logistics transportation network structure in China: From the perspective of complex network [J]. Journal of Data, Information and Management, 2022, 4(2): 89-105.

· Shengnan Tian, Xiang Li*, Jiaming Liu, Hongguang Ma, Haitai Yu. A short‑turning strategy to alleviate bus bunching [J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2021, 13(1): 117-128. (SCI检索)

· Sicheng Zhang, Fangcheng Tang*, Xiang Li,Jiaming Liu,Bowen Zhang. A hybrid multi-objective approach for real-time flexible production scheduling and rescheduling under dynamic environment in Industry 4.0 context [J]. Computers & Operations Research, 2021, 132: 105267. (SCI检索)

· Dong Zhang*, Chong Wu, Jiaming Liu. Ranking products with online reviews: A novel method based on hesitant fuzzy set and sentiment word framework [J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2020, 71(3): 528-542. (SCI/SSCI检索)

· Chuan Zhang, Zhe Liu*, Jiaming Liu. Least absolute deviations for uncertain multivariate regression model [J]. International Journal of General Systems, 2020, 49(4): 449-465. (SCI检索)

· Yongli Li, Sihan Li, Chuang Wei*, Jiaming Liu. How students’ friendship network affects their GPA ranking [J]. Information Technology & People, 2019, 33(2): 535-553. (SSCI检索)

· Yongli Li, Chong Wu*, Jiaming Liu,Peng Luo. A Combination Prediction Model of Stock Composite Index Based on Artificial Intelligent Methods and Multi-Agent Simulation [J]. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2014, 7(5): 853-864. (SCI检索)


  ·  Wu, Chong, Jiaming Liu*. A combination use of bagging and random subspace with memory mechanism for dynamic financial distress prediction [C]. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bali, Indonesia, 2016-12. (EI检索)


· 刘佳明, 李想, 范皓玥. 一种基于集成树的呼吸机假阳性报警信号识别方法及系统 [P]. 2022年11月

· 范皓玥, 刘佳明, 李想, 刘克. 一种献血中心人员的智能调度方法及智能调度系统 [P]. 2022年9月

· 张思成, 张博文, 李想, 刘佳明, 马红光. 一种柔性装配作业车间调度的混合优化方法 [P]. 2023年2月

· 李想, 桂佼, 马红光, 刘佳明, 于海涛. 一种数据驱动的城市交通流模式识别与实时预测预警方法 [P]. 2022年4月

· 电商仓储助手库存管控系统 V1.0. 软件著作权登记号:2023SR0313033

· 物流配送管理系统 V1.0. 软件著作权登记号:2023SR0362203

· 城市交通流速模式分析与实时预测系统[简称:TARPS] V1.0. 软件著作权登记号:2021SR0179611


· 中国“双法”研究会智能决策与博弈分会理事

· 中国“双法”研究会船海分会理事

· 北京系统工程学会理事

· Information Sciences; Electronic Commerce Research and Applications; Information Processing & Management; Kybernetes; 运筹与管理等期刊审稿人
